
I’m Pier Fortunato Bottan. I'm a physicist working as software engineer. I'm a painter, I live in Rome.

Experience Journey
I was born in a small village in Veneto (Italy). I started drawing and painting as every child does and I remember I was not able to do what my mates succeeded  in. So, my passion for art started that time  realizing that no one could tell me what and how to draw, only reality experience could. At 7 I received my uncle's abandoned oil colors which would have become my painting medium.
Interest for physics has always been present, since I had a really strange awareness of energy dependency. At 9 I thought I would spend my life working in a nuclear plant or studing a way to solve the energy issue. After the degree in physics I start to work as software engineer moving to Rome where I'm still living.
I had esperience in IBM - Tivoli Lab and currentiy in HCL Software.
Paintings like an underground river flowed all life long and now, quite near to the mouth,  is resurfacing.

My sign recalls the initials of my first name and the title of a Picasso's self portrait: yo, Picasso.
It is just a  reference to whom I consider the  genius of  '900.
